Sunday, April 8, 2007

Welcome back!

Hi again and I hope you all had a great break. I spent last weekend in a beautiful part of New South Wales, the south coast. The place where we were staying was visited every day by lots of kangaroos, galahs, rosellas and other Australian birds. Have a look at some of the photos I took there.

To prepare for your radio programs, go to Time4English and then Movie Reviews. Choose one movie you have already seen and listen to the review, do the exercises and study the vocabulary to be able to talk about it. Write your own review in your blog.
When recording our radio programs, often we will be expressing our opinion on different topics. Listen to this episode of Splendid Speaking, Expressing and justifying opinions, where Vukosava talks about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Listen to it a first time to get the gist of it (the main idea, a general impression). Listen to it a second time with the script in front of you (ask me for it).
Print this worksheet about expressing opinions and we will work on it this afternoon.
Highlight the language that Vukosava uses to express her opinion and to introduce examples that help her justify her opinion. Prepare a short talk about the same topic. Record it in Audacity.
Remember I told you about lists of common words in English. Go to Time4 English and you'll find the 100 most common words in the main menu. Do you know all of them? I bet you do! Copy them and make sure you know them all and their spelling.

IF you thought that is too easy... here are the 1000 most common English words. The good thing about this list is that you have explanations about how to use prepositions and articles, which always give us trouble. Put this website in your favourites at home and visit it regularly. You can write 5 sentences each day using words from this list until you have used all of them!
I had lots of problems using the new blogger (with Google account) at home, so I had to create another blog to prepare for our class today. I've put a permanent link on the right sidebar, below Our Forum & Our podcasts. If blogger is not working, I will prepare the class there!

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