Sunday, January 28, 2007

URLs for Hidden Web

Thanks to Wendy Zammit for passing on this information:

URLs for Hidden Web Presentation: Thursday 20 October 2005

by Tessa Bachmayer Teaching Librarian SIT Ultimo.
  • Search engine : A search engine that not only gives a list of relevant results, but also suggestions to narrow your search and lists of link collections.
  • Cheatsheet: Summary of how to search using Google
  • Thumbshots: A great teaching tool for showing the need to use more than one search engine. (Only accessible with Internet Explorer)
  • Clusty: Organises results into categories that are intelligently selected from the words and phrases used in the original search query.
  • Jux2: Combines the search results of Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves, highlighting the overlap and differences between them.
  • Rythospital: Artist Virgil Wong, has created a glossy genuine looking scientific site where all the information is fictitious. Great for teaching the critical evaluation of internet sites.
  • Whois Lookup: Find out who runs a particular website, where it is hosted and what others say about it (great for detecting the authenticity of a site).
  • Alexa: Discover incredible details about traffic to any website
  • Sosig:UK Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) to high quality academic information in the social sciences, business and law
  • Infomine:A collection of links to important university level research and educational tools on the Internet.
  • Teoma: To find databases for a particular subject (say science) go to and type in science database.
  • Librarians' Index A database of excellent sites selected by librarians in California.
  • Completeplanet: Discover over 70,000+ searchable databases and specialty search engines.
  • Noodletools: Which is the best search engine for my needs? How do I cite internet sources?
  • Webbrain: Your search term became the focus of lines that lead to related areas, allowing you to move across the directory quickly and easily
  • Become: Search engine with a large index of material related to shopping, such as buying guides, reviews, articles, specifications, forums, merchants.
  • Ingenta : A comprehensive collection of academic and professional publications (mostly for a fee, but some free ones too)

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